Ritalin study explains the relationship between dopamine and achieving goals
March 19, 20205 min read947 words
Published: March 19, 2020  |  5 min read947 words
March 19, 2020Thinking is, well, hard. Why else do we put off studying for tests, procrastinate doing work, or offload splitting the bill at the restaurant onto our friend? Because mental grunt work requires real, concentrated effort. But how does your brain make the decision whe...
Ritalin study explains the relationship between dopamine and achieving goals Read more

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March 28, 2020
An excellently investigative piece regarding the referenced subject matter. And, an interesting subject it truly is. Brief but dense and chockablock with information. What's particularly welcome is that the entire monograph on the referred to test is linked to for reading. A nice touch. This is very helpful contextually. The full study is not but the Abstract is interesting and actually clicking through to the page where the Abstract is located provides a bit more than that. Good quotes by the study's Author, or rather one of them, which are suitably expository. A read definitely worth your while. Pro-tip: While, as I mentioned, the full study is behind a pay wall, this is easily gotten around should a reader wish to peruse the entire work. In almost every instance simply emailing the Author(s) and asking for a copy will get you one sans cost. Their email addresses or other contact information can be found in nearly every instance on the website of the institution where the work was conducted. Four stars!
March 28, 2020
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