In National Security Cinema: The Shocking New Evidence of Government Control in Hollywood (2017), Dr. Matthew Alford and Tom Secker offer convincing proof that the US Department of Defense, CIA and FBI have for decades used various means to manipulate content and even deny produc...
<em>National Security Cinema: The Shocking New Evidence of Government Control in Hollywood</em>—How the US military and CIA go about their propaganda operations Read more

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March 22, 2020
Well, firstly, let's get out of the way that this piece is biased, this, as in the book being discussed is biased. Secondly, and equally important is the fact that some of the purported evidence (in said book) is supposition. Now, in the spirit of fairness, the Author notes this on occasion in the article which is commendable. Nullius in verba are words to live by. And, as this a book review, a wise course to take. As a review, it is interesting and informative. The Author does a good job of sticking to laying out the books premise in ice-cold fashion. He does belie tiny bits of skepticism here and there, but in the main, and when one takes the publishing outlet in to consideration, an educated guess could be made as to where the writer's sympathies lie. Nonetheless, and all the aforementioned considered, this is a fascinating and worthwhile read. (full disclosure and minor editorializing ahead: This book elucidates what has long been known in historical and more inquisitive media circles for quite some time. Additionally, while not certain, as I have not read the book, information on the involvement of the U.S. Military in paying - sometimes the full cost - for the development of military themed video games is an open secret and more than likely included). Four stars!
March 22, 2020
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March 24, 2020
Being a literary review, it is mostly the position of the authors of the book being discussed, which is a relatively good thing. However, the few bits where commentary is provided are pretty one sided, and there is never any discussion of differing viewpoints.
March 24, 2020
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