The U.S. wants smartphone location data to fight coronavirus. Privacy advocates are worried.
March 18, 20202 min read403 words
Published: March 18, 2020  |  2 min read403 words
IE 11 is not supported. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser.SKIP TO CONTENTBy The White House and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are asking Facebook, Google and other tech giants to give them greater access to Americans' smartphone location...
The U.S. wants smartphone location data to fight coronavirus. Privacy advocates are worried. Read more

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Surface Level
March 21, 2020
By and large balanced, at least insofar as the Author, cursorily though at best, presents both sides of the referenced issue. Additionally, he does not belie his own sympathies. However, despite the aforementioned, the article lacks credibility, particularly, because it frames the discussion as if it is occurring in a vacuum. And a recently created vacuum at that. This completely denudes the work of any context. Which brings us to the topic of surface level. The mention and describing of only a small group who express 'concern' regarding the matter, further erodes the piece and the Author's credibility. This type of establishment reporting, so to speak, is one of the reasons the public at large holds a fairly low opinion of the news "business". Neither interesting nor informative and therefore not a worthwhile read.
March 21, 2020
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National Bias
March 21, 2020
While the facts being reported are accurate here -- that the US govt is demanding access to everyone's cell phone location data from big tech companies, who are fully cooperating -- the framing is that only "privacy advocates" are worried about this. This subtly reinforces a narrative that the public at large is somehow unconcerned (or has no reason to be concerned) about creating the most Orwellian surveillance network where would never be able to gather in a group without leaving all our personal electronic devices at home. You know, something only those "privacy advocates" are concerned about.
March 21, 2020
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1 Comment
March 21, 2020
A very good and balanced look at the most recent request the U.S. government has asked of big tech. They're reportedly seeking more surveillance capabilities, which they claim is to better track the spread of COVID-19. This article does a great job walking the line, reporting on the story without casting judgment on any of the players involved. Personally, this story worries me because anytime there's a crisis, the government uses it as an opportunity to expand their powers and always fail to return those rights to the people when the period of crisis is over.
March 21, 2020
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