How an ordinary fellow with a NAZI flag can go viral and not in a good way: pathetic or evil?
September 25, 20202 min read454 words
Published: September 25, 2020  |  2 min read454 words
 Please or to continue.PUBLISHED TOTAGSTag HistoryShare this articleBy Hal Brown, MSW, Retired psychotherapistSince AmandaD, the originator of the tweet and person who took this photo has posted a link to this diary many or most of those who replied on Twitter don’t know tha...
How an ordinary fellow with a NAZI flag can go viral and not in a good way: pathetic or evil? Read more

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Anecdotal Evidence
August 4, 2022
Interesting article brought forward, and a brown paper kinda one really. Sure the author wanted to put a little bit of pizzaz to the news and create some kind of debate but the reality of it is the stupidity of people's sales. Once again, thank you and goodbye to the readers.
August 4, 2022
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