The demand for COVID-19 facts on WhatsApp is skyrocketing
March 26, 20205 min read1009 words
Published: March 26, 2020  |  5 min read1009 words
The demand for fact-checks about the new coronavirus on WhatsApp already exceeds — by far — what was registered during electoral campaigns in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Spain, India and Turkey. Last week, the popular messaging app, owned by Facebook, to the International Fact-C...
The demand for COVID-19 facts on WhatsApp is skyrocketing Read more

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Begging the Question
September 22, 2020
What is this? Is this even news, of any sort? This piece has aged very poorly. While this write-up may, and this is debatable, have had some relevance at or around the date of publication, it has no relevance now. Really, this is just some list of unknown, or perhaps more generously, little known organizations, having trouble answering questions. It is written in scattershot style practically devoid of context or substantive information. Reading this is a total waste of time. Don't bother.
September 22, 2020
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Financial Incentive
September 26, 2020
This is a somewhat self-congratulatory article in that Poynter is celebrating its IFCN as a grant recipient and solution for WhatsApp’s fact-checking needs. It does however provide solid context and figures around the desire for fact checks on WhatsApp which is info we might not be able to get otherwise.
September 26, 2020
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