The Lockdown Has Gone From a Mistake to a Crime
September 2, 20205 min read984 words
Published: September 2, 2020  |  5 min read984 words
Four months ago, I wrote a column titled "The Worldwide Lockdown May Be the Greatest Mistake in History." I explained that "'mistake' and 'evil' are not synonyms. The lockdown is a mistake; the Holocaust, slavery, communism, fascism, etc., were evils. Massive mistakes are made by...
The Lockdown Has Gone From a Mistake to a Crime Read more

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Political Agenda2
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critic reviews: 1
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public reviews: 5
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5 reviews


Political Agenda
September 4, 2020
Ho-hum. Opinion, opinion, opinion. A sprinkling of carefully selected facts along with the requisite faux moral outrage do not accurate reporting make. It is interesting, for the inquiring reader to note, that the Author is typically, regularly, and most reliably an ardent practitioner of vituperative screeds against the very systems of governance he praises here. The hypocrisy is strong with this one. That, and on the credibility scale of self-styled public intellectuals (which he decidedly is not) his rating, comparatively speaking, is near, or possibly even below, zero. Now, while this may seem a bit of editorializing on the part of your reviewer, rest assured it is not. 'Tis merely an accurate representation of the channel of duly informed consensus amongst the true cognoscenti. However, for the final word on the subject let us turn to the inimitable Samuel Langhorne Clemens, whom I believe said it best: "I am personally acquainted with hundreds of journalists, and the opinion of the majority of them would not be worth tuppence in private, but when they speak in print it is the newspaper that is talking (the scribe is not visible) and then their utterances shake the community like the thunders of prophecy."
September 4, 2020
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September 4, 2020
Sweden has a fully functional safety net (free healthcare and minimum basic income). Even so, it has the most dismal record so far among the Scandinavian countries with similar social services. Why wasn't this mentioned? The author clearly has propaganda to promote.
September 4, 2020
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Political Agenda
September 3, 2020
The author has an obvious axe to grind, and misstates the conditions in Sweden (in particular, while masks are not worn, people are voluntarily social distancing and in general reducing person to person contact; also, Sweden's death rate is an order of magnitude higher than other Scandinavian countries)
September 3, 2020
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1 Comment
Well Sourced
September 3, 2020
Good explanations using Sweden as an example to be followed. The damage to business that CA has put their small business owners in is unprecedented NY follows as a close second.
September 3, 2020
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Lack of Reliable Sources
September 3, 2020
Cherry-picked data from one other country in Europe, when Sweden had more than 10X deaths of adjacent countries Finland, Norway and Denmark - it's three nearest neighbors. Also, the claim that Sweden had no deaths in a month is false.
September 3, 2020
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Well Sourced
September 3, 2020
Provides good sources, though I wish they were cited, and a viewpoint that is often not expressed in the media...but represents a significant number of Americans.
September 3, 2020
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