Minneapolis Business Owners Stunned After Discovering Insurance Won’t Be Enough To Cover Cost Of Cleanup After Riots
August 31, 20203 min read502 words
Published: August 31, 2020  |  3 min read502 words
Owners are being asked to fork over between $100,000 than $300,000 for construction companies to demolish and eventually haul away buildings that were all-but destroyed after the May riots, the Star Tribune . They are shocked and increasingly desperate, as most insurance policies...
Minneapolis Business Owners Stunned After Discovering Insurance Won’t Be Enough To Cover Cost Of Cleanup After Riots Read more

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Political Agenda
September 1, 2020
What is this, really? News, no? Private individuals, their private businesses, and their private problems therewith, are not newsworthy. Now, without commenting on the substance of the piece, it is mightily biased. From the sneering headline to the overall snarky tone of the write-up, the "reporter" goes beyond the call of duty to ladle out the one-sided leanings. And this in the most blatant fashion. To the astute news consumer and those paying attention, this type of journalistic legerdemain is just like pornography. You know it when you see it. Pure dross. Don't waste your time.
September 1, 2020
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