Most UN Security Council members oppose US bid for Iran sanctions
August 22, 20204 min read713 words
Published: August 22, 2020  |  4 min read713 words
The United States was further isolated on Friday over its bid to reimpose international sanctions on Iran, with 13 countries on the 15-member United Nations Security Council expressing their opposition and arguing that Washington’s move is void given it is using a process agreed ...
Most UN Security Council members oppose US bid for Iran sanctions Read more

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National Bias2
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critic reviews: 1
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public reviews: 3
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20 reviews


August 22, 2020
A very good look at political machinations at the international level. Well-quoted with both sides, or rather all sides, having their say. A cleanlined approach belies no particular bias. The commentary is splendidly expository and explanatory. Good insight is provided in to the internal and external workings of international agreements between Nation-States. The bullet-point links approximately mid-piece provide for further reading and help to provide valuable context. If global affairs are of interest then this is a write-up for you. If your curiousity is of a more domestic flavor then perhaps less so. Four stars!
August 22, 2020
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National Bias
August 25, 2020
This piece tries to retain some objectivity, with moderate success; however, the quotes from the US are inflammatory when taken out of context, and the tone toward the US is clearly hostile. While others see this as, "well, Trump...", I think this is specifically devoid of context purposely to make the quotes as inflammatory as possible.
August 25, 2020
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National Bias
August 23, 2020
Europe was much happier when Obama was giving Iran large sums of money to live up to the Nuclear Agreement. When the US backed out because of Iran’s failures Europe was left holding the bag . They are hoping Biden will be elected and continue to give US dollars to Iran and they can just watch so why vote to support the US now.
August 23, 2020
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Well Sourced
August 22, 2020
This story adds some minor details not part of the Reuters report that it mentions (which I easily found via Google). They support the basic thrust of it. I don't see that the story itself takes sides, and also think that the story has been legitimately been put into play by world actors, none less than Secretary Pompeo, so it is not particularly propagandistic or lopsided. I still think the story is written for a different audience that the US readership at which it is aimed. Nothing wrong with different views, in fact that's the best of journalism. But I didn't get a warm feeling from the story itself.
August 22, 2020
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