Stacey Abrams, Failed Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate, Moderated Panel Of Democratic Governors At DNC
August 21, 20201 min read289 words
Published: August 21, 2020  |  1 min read289 words
Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams moderated a Thursday panel hosted by the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) at the Democratic National Convention. Titled “#DemGovsGetItDone: Progress In Red & Purple States,” the panel explored how Democratic governor...
Stacey Abrams, Failed Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate, Moderated Panel Of Democratic Governors At DNC Read more

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Political Agenda
August 22, 2020
Why you are promoting a far-right publication seems counter to what I thought you stood for, you know, credibility. I mean really, just read the headline.
August 22, 2020
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Political Agenda
August 22, 2020
Two thirds of this piece is a dry and uninteresting description of the panel she moderated; the use of “failed” in the headline and the penultimate two paragraphs seem right-wing grievances that are the purpose of the story In saying that she refused to concede multiple times, the Daily Caller intentionally omits her words a few days after the election, acknowledging “that former of Secretary of State Brian Kemp will be certified the victor” while she did not call it a concession. The omission leaves the impression that she is unable to deal with reality, and Dems are OK with that. And those implications from the partial-story seem intended to create an emotional response, with the seeming intent of hijacking some blah, mundane details of the panel itself, a story that only a few wonks or fans of Ms Abrams would find interesting in the least
August 22, 2020
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