June 15, 20202 min read, 489 words
Published: June 15, 2020 | 2 min read, 489 words
You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.As we learn more about how the coronavirus spreads between people, there’s more evidence to suggest that most infections are transmitted by a select few individuals we call “superspreaders.” Here’s what a superspreader is, the role ...
Surface Level
August 10, 2020
Oh dear...Not quite sure where to begin. Let's start with the headline, which is very clickbaity. It makes a prospective reader think that, well, here now, from this august publication, we are going to read something definitive. Instead what is presented is bubkes. Talk about way over-promising and massively under-delivering. This entire piece, so overwrought in terms what is implicitly promised in the title, falls totally flat. Apart from a few minor and nominally interesting asides, nothing here is very informative or interesting. Frankly speaking, it is embarrassing. Not worth even a farthing.
August 10, 2020
Failing Occam's Razor
August 10, 2020
This article is a bit sensational and surface level. The piece describes a "superspreader" but then points to examples of situations and in-person events where the supposed "superspreader" infected others. Upon my reading, this seems like it has way more to do with "superspreader" events and gatherings than it does a particular infected individual's ability to spread COVID-19. This to me seems like Failing Occam's Razor because this explanation wasn't even mentioned, likely because it would sound less frightening to readers.
August 10, 2020
August 10, 2020
Interesting report, still emphasizing social distancing as the best measures to prevent infection or transmission. The concept of what the article calls a "superspreader" has been a common recurrence throughout various illness waves in history. Typhoid Mary is easily the most readily recognizable example of this phenomenon, though far from being the only incident. The brevity of this article was also appreciated, rather than trying to turn this into politics, or taking a tangent to discuss policy, it just provides facts in a concise format.
August 10, 2020