Researchers find ancient ‘Hell Ant’ frozen in time, locked in battle
August 6, 20202 min read427 words
Published: August 6, 2020  |  2 min read427 words
Click to Skip AdClosing in...There are a seemingly countless number of different ant species on Earth today. They range from mundane and unthreatening to incredibly aggressive and even potentially deadly. Nearly 100 million years ago, ants roamed the Earth just like they do today...
Researchers find ancient ‘Hell Ant’ frozen in time, locked in battle Read more

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Well Sourced
September 11, 2020
All right, someone please explain to me how to get to sleep tonight after reading this. 😊 On a more serious note. A wonderful bit of science reporting. Here, brevity is a plus. The Author wastes no time on adventitious fripperies. Just the facts. And, oh dear, do those facts speak for themselves. The full study referenced (which is available in toto) is where the action really takes place. Read it. The Writer's work here is a nice summation of the aforementioned research paper. Both complement each other. The included photograph and drawing deserve special mention, provide context, but ultimately are the stuff of nightmares. 😊 An interesting examination of a fascinating subject. Decidedly worthwhile. Five stars!
September 11, 2020
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