Coronavirus attacks the entire body, not just the lungs
July 22, 20204 min read702 words
Published: July 22, 2020  |  4 min read702 words
Click to Skip AdClosing in...The world has been battling the novel coronavirus for more than seven months, and we’ve had plenty of time to learn that COVID-19 is nothing like the flu, even though some people still dismiss it as such. It’s highly infectious, and its . It can’t be ...
Coronavirus attacks the entire body, not just the lungs Read more

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Study Misinterpreted
July 23, 2020
The author is misinterpreting this study. The study states the lymphopenia (a situation where the immune system is compromised) is present in 67-90% of deaths reported from COVID19 depending upon the region. The study also further states that they were only seeing the spike protein in the lungs. While more symptoms across the body MAY be comorbid, this study does not definitively prove a connection either way, and mostly documents what has been reported. Most locations submitting data were unable to retrieve viral proteins or RNA from cells in other parts of the body. Essentially, this study confirms you are at greatest risk if you are immune compromised, and there are certain immune compromised conditions which evoke an odd immune response that causes the symptoms to be more severe because your immune system begins to attack healthy tissue as well as the virus itself.
July 23, 2020
Is this helpful?
July 25, 2020
Credibly covers the results of the study in question that goes into great detail on some of the nastier effects of Covid. Loses points because article includes several authoritative statements about Covid's mortality rate that are not backed up by sound science; in particular, article links to another article asserting high mortality rates that uses a cherry picked study to back up the claim; the underlying study is completely unsourced, with no references or names, and even offers a disclaimer that it should not be used to compare mortality rates due to the incompleteness of its data.
July 25, 2020
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Well Sourced
July 24, 2020
The article mostly summarizes as best it can what information lies within the recent study being referenced. Admittedly, I did not read through the source study, but since most of the author's statements seem uncontroversial and revolve around visuals from the study, I'd say it's atleast well-sourced.
July 24, 2020
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July 23, 2020
There's not much in this article other than the title theme, and excerpts from various studies that support it. It seems a bit early to know the extent of these extra-pulmonary harms, whether a robust immune response knocks it out before it causes these other problems, or whether we just haven't seen the spread because only a little of it escapes the lungs. So: pretty good, but stay tuned for more understanding, some of which may contradict what we “know” today. That's science at work.
July 23, 2020
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