Trump's Pentagon Quietly Made A Change To The Stated Mission It's Had For Two Decades
July 5, 20183 min read570 words
Published: July 5, 2018  |  3 min read570 words
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Trump's Pentagon Quietly Made A Change To The Stated Mission It's Had For Two Decades Read more

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March 25, 2019
While the article itself is true, without any kind of official comment on why the change was made, the motives behind this change could be either profound or trivial. It might be just marketing "We need to make the homepage less boring" or it might reflect a deeper change in purpose. The danger in reporting it without any official statement is it leads to conspiracy theories.
March 25, 2019
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July 5, 2018
This is just creepy to start with and you would think something this newsworthy would get a story or some pointed questions. Suddenly an ex marine journalists discovers that the missions statement of the DOD was changed back in January of this year without anyone saying anything. Good journalism, scary subject when you consider what the change actually consists of. I can find no factual errors and it's written very objectively for these times.
July 5, 2018
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